Course Description

This online learning course is about using social media to engage effectively with patients and the public. It has been commissioned by NHS England as part of a programme of training for PPV partners and NHS England staff members working with them. PPV partners and NHS England staff have been involved in co-designing this course

Module 1: Understanding social media in a patient and public engagement context

This module explores the fundamental principles of social media and introduces some of the ways it can be used to engage different audiences.

Module 2: Gathering information using social media

This module explores how to use social media and online tools to gather information of interest.

Module 3: Engaging patients and the public using social media

This module looks more closely at how social media can support or deliver patient and public engagement aims.

Who is it for?

This course is aimed at NHS England employees who work with partners/volunteers

Partners and volunteers who work regularly with NHS England employees

Learners will be expected to complete evaluation feedback after working through the course

Type of learning: e-learning course

Duration: 30 mins

How to apply

To register, please contact