2 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y
Acronym Phrase
E&D Equality and Diversity
E-Coli Escherichia coli
e-GIF (Electronic) Government Interoperability Framework
e-KSF (Electronic) Knowledge and Skills Framework
E-PAG Essex Patient Advisory Group
e-RS e-Referral System (Electronic)
EA Enhanced appointment
EA Enhanced Access
EAB Enhanced Assessment Bed
EAF Expert Advisory Forum
EAG Expert Advisory Group
EAST Easy, Attractive, Social and Timely
EAT Elderly Assessment Team
EAU Emergency Assessment Unit
EAU European Association of Urology Guidelines
EBCD Experience-Based Co-Design
EBE Expert By Experience
EBH Evidence-Based Healthcare
EBI Evidence Based Intervention
EBITDA Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation
EBM Evidence-Based Medicine
EBMT European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplant
EBRT External Beam Radiotherapy
EBS Electronic Booking Service
EBS Emergency Bed Service
EC Essex Cares
EC Endometrial Cancer
EC Elective Care
ECA Emergency Care Assistant
ECAD Earliest Clinically Appropriate Date
ECAP Emergency Care Action Plan
ECC Essex Cardiothoracic Centre
ECC Essex County Council
ECCOS Essex Carers Core Offer of Support
ECCT Extended Community Care Team
ECDA Ethics Committee with Delegated Authority for Health, Science, Engineering and Technology
ECDP Essex Coalition of Disabled People
ECDS Emergency Care Data Set
ECF Essex Community Foundation
ECG Electrocardiogram
ECHR European Convention on Human Rights
ECIP Emergency Care Improvement Program
ECIST Emergency Care Intensive Support Team
ECJ European Court of Justice
ECL Essex Care Limited
ECL Supports older people, adults with learning disabilities, adults receiving reablement services and people with sensory impairment in South East England
ECLO Eye Clinic Liaison Officer
ECMC Experimental Cancer Medicine
ECMS Experimental Cancer Medication Centre
ECN Essex Carers’ Network
ECN Extended Choice Network
ECOG Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
ECOG Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
ECOS Essex County Council Carers Offer of Support
ECP Emergency Care Practitioner
ECR Electronic Care Register
ECRIC Eastern Cancer Registration and Information Centre
ECS Essex Carers Support
ECS Enfield Community Service
ECSB Essex Children Safeguarding Board
ECSW Emergency Care Support Worker
ECT Enhanced Care Teams
ECT Electroconvulsive Therapy
ECTP Elective Care Transformation Programme
ED Emergency Department
ED Erectile Dysfunction
ED Executive Director
ED Eating Disorders
ED Early Diagnosis
ED&I Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
EDAAT Essex Drug and Alcohol Action Team
EDAP Essex Drug and Alcohol Partnership
EDC Emergency Dispatch Centre
EDC Equality and Diversity Council
EDD Estimated Date of Discharge
EDI Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
EDIG Equality, Diversity and INclusion Group
EDL Electronic Discharge Letter
EDM Electronic Data Management
EDN Electronic Discharge Notification
EDS Edinburgh Dysphasia Score
EDS Emergency Duty Service
EDS Equality Delivery System
EDS Specialised Services for Eating Disorders
EDS2 NHS Equality and Delivery System
EDT Emergency Duty Team
EDTA Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic. It is used in medicine to prevent blood samples from clotting.
EDTA_GFR Blood Tests for Kidney Function
EDU Emergency Decisions Unit
EE Employee
EEA European Economic Area
EEAST East of England Ambulance Service Trust
EED Expected Exit Date
EEG Electroencaphalogram
EEP Eczema Education Program
EFAW Emergency First Aid at Work
EFC Employers for Carers
eFI e-Frailty Index
EFL External Financing Limit
EFM Estate Facility Management
EGA Estimated Gestational Age
eGFR Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Key indicator of Kidney function
EHC Emergency Hormone Contraception
EHC Education Health and Care Plan
EHCH Enhanced Care in Care Homes
EHCP Education, Health and Care Plan
EHFT Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
EHHR Cares Trust Epping Forest, Harlow, Havering & Redbridge
EHIA Equality and Health Inequalities Impact Assessment
EHIC European Health Insurance Card
eHNA Electronic Hospital Needs Assessment
EHP Early Help Plan
EHPF European Health Policy Forum
EHR Electronic Health Record
EHRC Equality and Human Rights
EHRG Equality and Human Rights Group (Department of Health)
EI Early Intervention
EIA Equality Impact Assessment
EIC European Innovation Council
EIP Early Intervention in Psychosis
EIR Environmental Information Regulations
EIS Early Intervention Service
EIV Early Intervention Vehicle
EJV External Jugular Vein
EKHUFT East Kent University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
ELFT East London Foundation Trust
ELSCS Elective Caesarean Section
ELT Executive Leadership Team
EM Emergency Medicine
EM Experimental Medicine
EMA Early Medication Abortion
EMA European Medicines Agency
EMAHSN East Midlands Academic Health Science Network
EMBASE Excerta Medical Database is a Biomedical Pharmacological Database of Published Literature
EMBSE Excepta Medica Database
EMD Emergency Medical Dispatcher (Ambulance Service)
EMDIRS Maternity and Infant Care Database
EME Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation
EMG Electromyogram Used to Carry out Nerve Conduction Studies
EMLSC Emergency Caesarean Section
EMOP Electronic Medication Optimisation Pathway
EMR Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (Removal of precancerous early-stage cancer from digestive tract)
EMRAD East Midland Radiology Consortium
EMS Elderly Mobility Scale
EMS Emergency Medical Services
EMT Emergency Medical Technician
EMU Early Morning Urine Sample
EMU Enfield Mental Health User Group
ENC Exeter Neuroscience Consortium
ENDPAC Enriching of New Onset Diabetes for Pancreatic Cancer
ENDPB Executive Non-Departmental Public Body
ENHT East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
ENP Emergency Nurse Practitioners
ENRICH Enabling Research in Care Homes
ENT Ear, Nose and Throat
EO Employers’ Organisation
EOC Emergency Operation Centre
EOC Experience of Care
EOE East of England
EOF Education Outcomes Framework
EOI Expression of Interest
EOL End of Life
EOLC End of Life Care
EOLCA End of Life Care
EORTC European Organisation for Research & Treatment of Cancer
EORTC QLQ-C30 Questionnaire developed to assess the quality of life of cancer patients
EOTS End of Treatment Summaries
EP Epilepsy
EPA Enduring Power of Attorney
EPaCCS Electronic Palliative Care Coordination Systems
ePCR Electronic Patient Care Record
EPCS Extended |Primary Care Service
EPCT Extended Primary Care Team
EPCU Department of Health’s Emergency Planning Coordination Group
EPDA European Parkinson’s Disease Association
EPG Executive Performance Group
EPI Effective professional Interaction
EPIC European Prospective Investigation into Cancer
EPIC Engage-Participate-Involve-Collaborate
EPIC Essex Primary Care Inter-Professional Centre
EPMA Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration
EPP Expert Patient Programme
EPR Electronic Patient Record
ePROMS electronic Patient Reported Outcome Measures
EPRR Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response
EPS Electronic Prescription Service
EPUFT Essex Partnership University Foundation Trust
EPUT Essex Partnership University Foundation Trust
EQ-5D-5L Evaluation questionnaire descriptive system comprises five dimensions mobility, selfcare, usual activities, pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression. Each dimension has 5 levels
EQ5D European Quality of Life Questionnaire. The EQ-5D comprises five questions on mobility, self-care, pain, usual activities, and psychological status with five possible answers for each item.
EQA External Quality Assessment
EQIA Equalities Impact Assessment
EQUATOR Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Research Network
EQUIP Education and Quality in Primary Care
EQUIP Enhancing the Quality of User Involved Care Planning
ERCP Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
ERDB England Revalidation Delivery Board
ERF Elective Recovery Funding
ERIC Estates Return Information Collection
ERICA Exeter Electronic Risk Assessment for Cancer
ERJ European Respiratory Journal
ERMA Emergency Response Management Arrangements
ERMS Electronic Remote Monitoring System
EROC System Elective Recovery Outpatients Collection
EROS Electronic Requisitioning and Ordering System
ERP Effective Referrals Programme
ERS Electronic Referral System
ERS Specialist Medical Transport Company
ERSF Essex Request for Support Form
ERSPC European Randomised Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer
ES Enhanced Service
ESA Employment Support Allowance
ESAT Early Senior Assessment and Treatment
ESAT Emergency Senior Assessment Team
ESC Emergency Services Collaborative
ESCAPE-pain Enabling Self-Management and Coping with Arthritic Pain
ESD Early Supported Discharge
ESGO European Society of Gynaecological Oncology
ESIF European Structural and Investment Fund
ESMO European Society for Medicine
ESNEFT East Suffolk & North Essex Foundation Trust
ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages
ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
ESR Electronic Staff Record
ESRC Economic and Social Research council
ESRIG Executive Serious Incident Group
ESS Emergency Short Stay
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
eTCI Electronic To Come In
eTCP Electronic Transfer of Care to Pharmacy
ETD Education, Training and Development
ETEBCON Event, Thoughts, Emotions, Behaviour, Consequences
ETP Electronic Transmission of Prescriptions
ETS Emissions Trading Scheme (EU)
ETT Endotracheal Tube
ETTF Estates and Technology Transformation Fund
EUA Expert Under Approval
EUA Examination Under Anaesthetic
EUPATI European Patients’ Academy
EUPD Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder
EUROPAC European Registry of Familial Pancreatitis
EVD External Ventricular Drain
EVMC Estuary View Medical Centre
EWAS Enterprise-Wide Arrangements
EWC Expected Week of Childbirth
EWMHS Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service
EWS Early Warning system
EWS Essex Wellbeing Service
EWTD European Working-Time Directive
EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage