2 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y
Acronym Phrase
N&N Norfolk & Norwich
N&W Norfolk and Waveney
N3 N1, N2, N3 refers to the number and location of nodes that contain cancer. The higher number after the N, the more lymph nodes that contain cancer.
NA Nurse Assistant
NAC Non-Authority Contracts
NACR National Audit of Cardiac Rehabilitation Project
NACRO National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders
NACT National Cancer Action Team
NAD Nothing Abnormal Discovered
NAD Nothing Abnormal
NAFLD Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
NAG National Advisory Group
NAGCAE National Advisory Group on Clinical Audit and Enquiries
NAI Non-Accidental Injury
NAMPS National Association of Medical Personnel Specialists
NAO National Audit Office
NAPC National Association of Primary Care
NAPP National Association for Patient Participation
NARU National Ambulance Resilience Unit
NASP National Academy for Social Prescribing
NASP National Application Service Provider
NAVCA National Association for Voluntary and Community Action
NAW National Assembly for Wales
NBAP National Booked Admissions Programme
NBI National Beds Inquiry
NBM Nil By Mouth
NBOCAP National Bowel Cancer Audit Program
NBS Newborn Blood Spot
NCA Northern Care Alliance
NCA Non-Contracted Activities
NCA Northern Cancer Alliance
NCAF National Clinical Audit Forum
NCAPOP National Clinical Audit and Patients’ Outcomes Programme
NCAR Nationally Consistent Assurance Review
NCAS National Clinical Assessment Service
NCASP National Clinical Audit Support Programme
NCB National Cancer Board
NCCG Non-Consultant Career Grade
NCCN National Comprehensive Cancer Network
NCD National Clinical Director
NCD Non-Communicable Disease
NCE National Confidential Enquiry
NCEPOD National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death
NCG East of England Urology Network Cancer Group
NCG National Commissioning Group
NCG National Clinical Guideline
NCI National Centre for Involvement
NCI National Coorinator/Chief Invesigator
NCIN National Cancer Intelligence Network
NCIP National Clinical Improvement Program
NCISH National Confidential Enquiry into Suicide and Homicide by People with Mental Illness
NCL North Central London
NCM New Care Model
NCMD National Child Mortality Database
NCMP National Child Measurement Programme
NCP National Contracted Product
NCP National Contracted Product
NCPES National Patient Experience Survey
NCRAS National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service
NCRI National Cancer Research Institute
NCRN National Cancer Research Network
NCRS National Cancer Registry Service
NCRS NHS Care Records Services
NCS National Counselling Society
NCS Network Coordination Service
NCSI National Cancer Survivorship Initiative
NCVO National Council for Voluntary Organisations
NCVR National Contract Value Review
NCWTMDS National Cancer Waiting Times Monitoring Dataset
ND Not Done
NDA National Diabetes Audit
NDI Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus
NDIS National Diabetes Information Service
NDPB Non-Departmental Public Body
NDPP National Diabetes Prevention Program
NDRS National Disease Registration Service
NDTI National Development Team for Inclusion
NE Neoepitopes
NE North East
NE Neutropenic Sepsi
NEAT New and Emerging Applications of Technology
NECS North of England Commissioning Support
NED Non-Executive Director
NED National Endoscopy Database
NEE North East Essex
NEECCG North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group
NEET Not in Education, Employment or Training
NEF New Economics Foundation
NEHF North East Hants and Farnham
NEJM New England Journal of Medicine
NEL Non-Elective Activity
NEL North East London
NELA National Emergency Laparotomy Audit
NELCSU North East London Central Support Unit
NELFT North East London NHS Foundation Trust
NENC North East and North Cumbria (NHS)
NEPFT North Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
NEPT Non-Emergency Patient Trust
NEPT North Essex Partnership University Foundation Trust
NEPTS Non-Emergency Patient Transportation Service
NERC Non-Executive Remuneration Committee
NES National Enhanced Services
NES NHS Education for Scotland
NES Non-Emergency Service
NES National Eczema Society
NESTA National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts
NET Neuroendocrine Tumours
NETSCC National Institute for Health Research Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre
NEURO GEN Neurological Disorder Genetics Study
NEWS National Early Warning System
NEWS2 National Early Warning Score 2
NEY North East Yorkshire
NFA National Fostering Agency
NFR Not For Resuscitation
NG Nasogastric
NG12 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s suspected cancer recognition and referral guideline
NGH Northampton General Hospital
nGMS New General Medical Council
NGMS New General Medical Services (Contract)
NGO National Guardians Office
NGRL National Genomic Research Laboratory
NHAIS National Health Application and Infrastructure Services (now replaced by CSMS)
NHANES National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
NHCT Northumbria Health Care Foundation Trust
NHL Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
NHP New Hospitals Programme
NHRA National Health Regulation Authority
NHS National Health Service
NHS CB NHS Commissioning Board
NHS EED NHS Economic Evaluation Database
NHS IQ NHS Improving Quality
NHS LIFT NHS Local Improvement Finance Trust
NHS PS NHS Property Services
NHS QIS NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
NHS TEF NHS Transitional Executive Forum
NHSBAS NHS Business Authority Service
NHSBSA NHS Business Authority Services
NHSBT NHS Blood and Transplant
NHSCB NHS Commissioning Board
NHSCC NHS Clinical Commissioners
NHSCS National School of Healthcare and Science
NHSD NHS Digital
NHSE NHS Employers
NHSE NHS England
NHSE/I National Health Service England/Improvement
NHSEI NHS England and NHS Improvement
NHSFT NHS Foundation Trust
NHSI National Health Service Improvement
NHSIC NHS Information Centre
NHSII NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
NHSIQ NHS Improving Quality
NHSLA NHS Litigation Authority
NHSOF NHS Outcomes Framework
NHSP NHS Professional
NHSPN NHS Partners Network
NHSPS National Health Property Services
NHSPS NHS Pension Scheme
NHSR NHS Resolution
NHSR ENS NHS Resolution Early Notification Scheme
NHSRA NHS Registration Authority
NHSTDA NHS Trust Development Authority
NHSX New Joint Organisation for Digital/Data & Technology in NHS
NIA NHS Innovation Accelerator
NIA Northern Ireland Assembly
NIAO Northern Ireland Audit Office
NIB National Information Board
NIB Suffix in drugs indicates a small molecule inhibitor
NIBP Non-Invasive Blood Pressure (Monitoring)
NIC National Innovation Centre
NIC National Insurance Contribution
NIC Non-Injectable Arterial Connector
NIC Nurse in Charge
NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
NICIP National Interim Clinical Imaging Procedures
NICU Neonatal Intensive Care
NIDC National Imaging Data Collection
NIGB National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care Ethics and Confidentiality Committee
NIHR National Institute for Health Research
NIHR CRN CC National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Network Coordinating Centre
NIHR CRN ICT National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Network Integrated Costing Tool
NIHR IS National Institute of Health Research Information Systems
NIMHE National Institute for Mental Health in England
NIMP Non-Investigational Medicinal Product
NIMS National Immunisation Management System
NIO Northern Ireland Office
NIPP NHS Insights Prioritisation Programme
NIQAM Nursing Incident Quality Assurance Group
NIV Non-Invasive Ventilation
NJR National Joint Registry
NLF National Loans Fund
NLFS North London Forensics Service
NLG Neighbourhood Leadership Group
NLIAH National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare
NLOP National Programme for IT Local Ownership Programme
NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming
NLPH National Library for Public Health
NMASHPs Nurse, MIdwifes, and Allied Health Professionals
NMC Nursing and Midwifery Council
NMHCP National Minimal Healthcare Package?
NMHIN National Mental Health Intelligence Network
NMS New Medicine Service
NMSC Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer
NMUH North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust
NNC Neonatal Critical Care
NNCPS National Network of Clinical Procurement Specialists
NNH Numbers Needed to Harm
NNT Numbers Needed to Treat
NNU Neonatal Unit
NNUH Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals Foundation Trust
NOAC Novel Oral Anticoagulants (replacement for Warfarin)
NOCRI National Office for Clinical Research Infrastructure
NOCTE Every Night
NOD New Onset Diabetes (may be tested for pancreatic cancer)
NOF National Outcomes Framework
NOF New Opportunities Fund
NOFF Neck Of Femur Fracture
NOFT National Outcomes Framework Team/
NOG National Oversight Group (for High-Security Hospitals)
NOGCA National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer System/Service
NOK Next of Kin
NOLCP National Optimum Lung Cancer Pathway
NOLP National Optimal Lung Pathway
NORS National Organ Retrieval Service
NOTP National Outpatient Transformation Program
NOU Non-Obstetric Ultrasound
NOUS Non-Obstetric Ultrasoound
NP Network Partner
NPA National Pharmacy Association
NPC National Product Care
NPDG National PALS Development Group
NPfIT National Programme for IT
NPG National Priorities Guidance
NPM National Pricing Matrix
NPO Nil by Mouth
NPoC National Programme of Care
NPRAS National Patient Record Analysis Service
NPSA National Patient Safety Agency
NPV Negative Predictive Value
NQAT Nursing Quality Assessment Tool
NQB National Quality Board
NQPA Newly Qualified Physician Associate
NQR National Quality Requirement
NRAC NHS Scotland Resource Allocation Committee
NRCI National Reference Cost Index
NRES National Research Ethics Service
NRLS National Reporting and Learning System
NRM National Referral Mechanism
NRT Nicotine Replacement Therapy
NS Neutropenic Sepsis (caused by chemotherapy)
NS Neurological System
NSAI Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory (drugs)
NSAIDs Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
NSC National Screening Committee
NSCG National Specialist Commissioning Group
NSCLC Non-Small Cell Cancer
NSCP North Somerset Community Partnership
NSCS Non-Specific Concerning Symptoms
NSF National Service Framework
NSFT North Suffolk Foundation Trust
NSGCT Non Seminatous Germ Cell Cancer
NSLS National Standards Local Strategy
NSPCR National School for Public Health Research
NSR Next Stage Review
NSRC National Schedule of Reference Costs
NSRH Nurses for Sexual Reproductive Health
NSS Non Site Specific
NSS Non-Specific Symptoms
NST England Network Support Team (Carers Trust)
NSUN National Survivor User Network
NT Neighbourhood Team
NT-PRO Brain Natriuretic Peptide Test for heart failure
NTA National Treatment Agency (for Substance Misuse)
NTAC NHS Technology Adoption Centre
NTAG National Tariff Advisory Group
NTD National Tariff Document
NTDA or NHS TDA NHS Trust Development Authority
NTN National Training Number
NTO National Training Organisation
NTRK+ Neurotrophic Tyrosine Receptor Kinase is a gene
NUMSAS NHS Urgent Medical Supply Advanced Service
NVF Non-viable Foetus
NVFF National Valuing Families Forum
NViVO Qualitative Data Analysis Computer Software Package
NVQ National Vocational Qualification
NVR National Vascular Registry
NWAFN North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust
NWAFT North West Anglia Foundation Trust
NWAS North West Ambulance Service
NWCAHSH North West Coast Academic Health Science Network
NWCSCN North West Coast Strategic Clinical Networks
NWIS NHS Wales Informatics Service
NWP National Workforce Projects
NZTT Net Zero Travel and Transport