2 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y
Acronym Phrase
P&EOLC Palliative & End of Life Care
P&P Pensions and Payroll
P-MERIT Paramedic Medical Emergency Response Incident Teams
P/C Presenting Complaint
PA Personal Assistant
PA Physician Assistant
PA Programmed Activity
PAB Patient Advisory Board
PAB Professional Advisory Board
PABC Pregnancy Associated Breast Cancer
PAC Public Accounts Committee (House of Commons)
PAC Pancreatic Cancer
PACCO Organisation Providing Support for Mental Health/Drug Misuse
PACE Police and Criminal Evidence Act (1984)
PACE Promoting Action for Clinical Effectiveness
PACS Picture Archiving and Communications System
PACS Primary and Acute Care System
PACU Post-Anaesthesia Care unit
PAD Peripheral Artery Disease
PAD Public Access Defibrillator
PAF Performance Assessment Framework
PAG Patient Advisory Group
PAH Princess Alexander Hospital
PAHT Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust
PALS Patient Advice and Liaison Service
PAM Patient Activation Measure
PAMMS Provider Assessment and Market Manager Solution
PAMVR Physician Associate Managed Voluntary Register
PAN Public Partner Advisory Network
PANICOA Prevention of Abuse and Neglect in Institutional Care of Older Adults
PAP Private Ambulance Provider
PAPPI Positive Ageing Patient and Public Engagement
PAR Patient at Risk
PARI Positive Ageing Research Institute
PARP Poly-ADP Ribose Polymerase. Cancer treatment drug.
PAS Patient Administration System
PAS Private Ambulance Service
PASLU Patient Access Scheme Liaison Unit (NICE)
PASS Patient Advice and Support Service
PAT Pets as Therapy
PAU Paediatric Assessment Unit
PAU Patient Assessment Unit
PBC Practice-Based Commissioning
PBM Patient Blood Management
PBM Photobiomodulation - a new light therapy treatment which tackles a common side effect caused by chemotherapy and radiotherapy
PBMC Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell
PbR Payment by Results
PBS Positive Behavioural Support
PBT Proton Beam Therapy
PC Palliative Care
PC After Food
PC Personal Computer
PCA Paediatric and Congenital Arrhythmia
PCAF Pre-doctoral Clinical Academic Fellowship
PCaW Public Concern at Work
PCB Provider Collaborative Board
PCBC Pre-Consultation Business Case
PCC Police and Crime Commissioner
PCC Primary Care Centre
PCCC Primary Care Commissioning Committee
PCD Pneumococcal Disease
PCDS Prime Care Dermatological Society
PCE People & Community Engagement
PCEC Patient Client Experience Committee
PCF Patient Choice Facilitator
PCF Patient/Participant Consent Form
PCFU Patient Centred Follow-Up
PCG Primary Care Group
PCGS Peninsular Critical Genetic Service
PCH Primary Care Home
PCI Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
PCI Personalised Care Institute
PCIG Patient Catering Improvement Group
PCIP Primary Care Investment Plan
PCIS Primary Care Information Service
PCMD Peninsular College of Medicine and Dentistry
PCN Paediatric Community Nurse
PCN Primary Care Network
PCN DES PCN Directed Enhanced Services
PCO Primary Care Organisation
PCORI Patient-Centred Outcomes Research Institute
PCP Person Centred Plan
PCP-Q Prostate Cancer Patient Questionnaire
PCQP Prostate Cancer Questionnaire-Patient
PCR Protein/Creatinine Ratio
PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction
PCR Provision Coverage Ratio
pCR Pathological Complete Response in neoadjuvant treatment of high-risk early-stage breast cancer
PCRG Patient and Community Representative’s Group
PCRJ Primary Care Respiratory Journal
PCRMP Prostate Cancer Risk Management Programme
PCRN Primary Care Research Network
PCS Paediatric Cancer Services
PCS Productive Community Services
PCSP Personalised Care and Support Planning
PCT Primary Care Trust
PCT Procalcitonin is chemical produced in the blood when there has been a bacterial infection, sepsis or tissue damage
PCTPS Primary Care Trust-Provided Services
PCV Packed Cell Volume (blood test)
PCV Pneumococcal Disease
PD Peritoneal Dialysis
PD Parkinson’s Disease
PD Practice Development
PD&CN Physical Disabilities and Complex Needs
PD-L1 Programmed Death-Ligand
PDA Patient Decision Aid
PDAC Pancreatic Duct Adenocarcinoma
PDAs Product Development Awards
PDC Public Dividend Capital
PDD Predicted Date of Discharge
PDF Portable Document File
PDG Programme Development Grant
PDI Protected Health Information
PDN Practice Development Nurse
PDP Personal Development Plan
PDR Performance Development Review
PDRA Post Doctoral Research Associate
PDS Personal Demographic Service
PDSA Plan Do Study Act Iterative Action Cycle
PDSD Prolonged Duress Stress Disorder or Post Traumatic Stress
PDT Photodynamic Therapy
PDU Problem Drug Use
PE Patient Experience
PE Pulmonary Embolism
PEACE Proactive Enhanced Advanced Care Plan
PEAT Patient Environment Action Team
PEC Patient Engagement Centre
PEC Patient Experience Committee
PEC Professional Executive Committee (of PCT)
PECTP Public and Community Involvement, Engagement and Participation
PEE Patient Experience and Engagement
PEF Peak Expiratory Flow
PEF Practice Educator Facilitator
PEG Patient Experience and Engagement Group
PEG Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy
PEIG Patient Experience and Involvement Group
PEMS Patient Experience Measures
PEN Patient Experience Network
PENNA Patient Experience Network National Awards
PEoL Palliative & End of life
PEP Personal Education Plan
PESTLE Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal and Environmental
PET Patient Experience Team
PET Positron Emission Tomography
PET Patient Experience Tracker
PET-CT Positron Emission Tomography-Computerised Tomography
PEWS Paediatric Early Warning System
PFCC Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
PFI Private Finance Initiative
PFSH Patient Facing Staff Hours
PGCME Postgraduate, and Continuing Medical Education
PGD Patient Group Direction
PGEC Post Graduate Education Centre
PGFAR Programme Grants For Applied Research
PGMC Post-Graduate Medical Centre
PGWBI Psychological General Wellbeing Index
PH Public Health
PHB Personal Health Budget
PHE Public Health England
PHIB Population Health Improvement Board
PHM Population Health Management
PHO Public Health Observatory
PHOF Public Health Outcomes Framework
PHPES Public Health Practice Evaluation Scheme
PHQ9 Nine Item Patient Health Questionnaire
PHR Personal Health Record
PHR Public Health Research
PHS Personal and Household Services
PHSO Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
PhwSI Pharmacist with Special Interest
PHYSIO Physiotherapist
PI Peripheral Iridotomy
PI Principal Investigator
PI&E Public Involvement and Engagement
PIAF Public Involvement Accountability Forum
PIAG Patient Information Advisory Group
PIC Patient Identification Centre
PIC Paediatric Intensive Care
PIC Performance Improving Committee
PICC Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter
PICD Procurement, Investment and Commercial Division (DoH)
PICS Participant Identification Centres
PICU Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
PICU Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit
PICUPS Post ICU Presentation Screen
PID Project Initiation Document
PID Patient Identifiable Data
PIDA Public Interest Disclosure Act
PIF TICK This is the UK-wide Quality Mark for Health Information
PIFU Patient Initiated Follow-Up
PIG Policy Implementation Guide
PII Patient/ Person Identifiable Information
PIIAF Public Involvement Impact Assessment Framework
PILS Patient Information Leaflets
PIMHS Parent and Infant Mental Health Service
PIMS Pharmacy Information Management System
PIN Public Information Notice
PINCER Pharmacy-Lead IT-Based Intervention to Reduce Clinically Inappropriate Medication Errors in Primary Care
PIP People In Partnership
PIP Personal Independence Payment
PIPEC Public Involvement and Patient Experience Committee
PIPOT Persons in Positions of Trust
PIR Provider Initial Report
PIRAD Prostate Imaging and Reporting Data System
PIRADS Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data
PIS Participant Information Sheet
PIVOT Prostate Cancer Intervention Versus Observation
PKB Patient Knows Best
PKD Polycystic Kidney Disease
PL Program Lead
PLA Peer Leadership Academy
PLACE Patient-Lead Assessments of the Care Environment
PLATO Postgraduate Learning and Teaching Online
PLC Pigmented Lesion Clinic
PLC Public Limited Company
PLCO Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Trial by PSA
PLCV Procedures of Limited Clinical Value
PLE Person with Lived Experience
PLGF Placental Growth Factor (testing for pre-eclampsia)
PLIC Patient-Level Information and Costing
PLICS Patient Level Information and Costing System
PLRH Patient Lead Research Hub
PLS Patient Liaison Service
PLT Political Leadership Team
PLWC People Living With Cancer
PLWD People Living With Dementia
PM Afternoon or Evening
PM Program Manager
PMB Post-Menopausal Bleeding
PMCS Primary Medical Care Services
PMDU Prime Minister ‘s Delivery Unit
PMETB Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board
PMG Performance Management Group
PMH Past Medical History
PMH Perinatal Mental Health
PMHL Paediatric Mental Health Liaison
PMHW Productive Mental Health Ward
PMI Private Medical Insurance
PMIP Pathology Messaging Implementation and Programmes
PMO Project Management Office
PMO Programme of Management
PMRT Perinatal Mortality Review
PMS Patient Meals Service
PMS Peninsular Medical School
PMS Personal Medical Services (Surgery Who Provides Additional Specialised Services e.g, Mental Health Nurse/Doctor
PMS Primary Medical Services
PMS Premenstrual Syndrome
PMVA Prevention Management of Violence and Aggression
PN Patient Navigator
PNA Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment
PND Postnatal Depression
PO Medication to be Taken Orally
POA Preoperative Assessment
POA Post Operative Assessment
POAC Pre-Operative Assessment Clinic
POC Package of Care
PoC People of Colour
POC Plan of Care
POC Point of Care
POC Product of Conception (under 12-week miscarriage)
POC Program of Care
POCS Products of Conception Service
POCT Point of Care Testing
POCUS Point of Care Ultrasound
POD Patient’s Own Drugs
POD Pre-Operative Department
POD People and Organisation Development
PODP Principal Operating Department Practitioner
POET Personal Budgets Outcomes and Evaluation Tool
POHWER People of Hertfordshire Want Equal Rights
PoLCE Procedures of Limited Clinical Effectiveness
POLST Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment
POM Prescription-Only Medicines
POMH-UK Prescribing Observatory for Mental Health – UK
POP Personalised Outpatient Programme
POP Plaster Of Paris
POPP Partnerships for Older People Project
POPS Perioperative Care of Older People
PoSC Protection of Social Care
POSCU Paediatric Oncology Shared Care Unit
POSHH Partnership for Occupational Safety and Health in Healthcare
POSSUM Physiological and Operative Severity Score for the enumeration of mortality and morbidity
POVA Protection of Vulnerable Adults
PP Paramedic Practitioner
PPC Patient Pathway Coordinator
PPC Preferred Priorities of Care
PPC Pre-Payment Certificate (Prescription)
PPCI Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
PPE Patient and Public Engagement
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PPEI Patient and Public Engagement and Involvement
PPF Priorities and Planning Framework
PPG Patient Participation Group
PPI Patient and Public Involvement
PPI Patient Pathway Identifier
PPI Proton Pump Inhibitor (works by reducing amount of stomach acid)
PPIB Purchase Price Index and Benchmarking Tool
PPIC Patient and Public Involvement Committee
PPIC Private Patient Income Cap
PPIE Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement
PPIF Patient and Public Involvement Forum
PPM Planned Preventative Management
PPN Psychological Professions Network
PPO Preferred Provider Organisation
PPP Patient and Public Partner
PPP Public–Private Partnership
PPRS Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme
PPS Pint Prevalence Survey
PPT PowerPoint
PPU Private Patient Units
PPV Patient and Public Voice
PPV Positive Predictive Value
PPVAG Patient and Public Voice Assurance Group
PPVe Patient and Public Voice Online Education System
PQAD Pathology Quality bAssurance Dashboard
PQASSO Practical Quality Assurance Standard for Small Organisation’s
PQAT Paediatrics Quality Assessment Tool
PQQ Pre-Qualification Questionnaire
PQS Pharmacy Quality Scheme
PR Public Relations
PR Rectally
PRA Patient Research Ambassador
PRB Pay Review Body
PRC Performance and Remuneration Committee
PrCA Prostate Cancer
PRCC Principles and Rules for Cooperation and Competition
PREDICT Breast Cancer Diagnostic Tool
PREM Patient Reported Experience Measure
PREMS Patient Reported Experience Measures
PREVENT (duty) Prevent People from Being Drawn into Terrorism Under the CONTEST (Counter Terrorism Strategy)
PRF Patient Report Form
PRG Patient Reference Group
PRH Princess Royal Hospital
PRISM Primary Service for Mental Health
PRN “Pro Re Nata” (Medication) To Be Taken as Needed
PRO Patient Reported Outcome
PROM Patient Reported Outcome Measure
PROMISE Proactive Management of Integrated Services
PROMS Patient Reported Outcome Measures
PRP Policy Research Programme
PRS Polygenic Risk Score
PRSB Professional Record Standards Body
PS Protected Services
PSA Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care
PSA Prostate Specific Antigen
PSA Public Service Agreement
PSAS Patient Self-Advocacy Scale
PSC Patient Safety Collaborative
PSD Patient Specific Direction
PSED Public Sector Equality Duty
PSF Provider Sustainability Fund
PSFU Personalised Stratified Follow Up
PSG Peninsular Sarcoma Group
PSI Patient Safety Record
PSIMS Patient Safety Incident Management System
PSIRD Patient Safety Incident Response Framework
PSIRF Patient Safety Incident Reporting
PSIRP Patient Safety Incident Response Plan
PSIS Personal Spine Information Services
PSMU Patient Safety Measurement Unit
PSNC Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee
PSP Patient Safety Partners
PSP Priority Setting Partnerships
PSR Provider Selection Regime
PSS Psychiatrist's Support Service
PSS Personal Social Services
PSSG Public Safety Strategies Group
PSSRU Personal Social Services Research Unit
PSTRC Patient Safety Translational Research Centre
PSW Peer Support Worker
PSW Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners
PT Patient
PT Physiotherapy
PT Prothrombin Time
PTL Primary Targeting List
PTL Patient Tracking List
PTN Pulmonary Hypertension
PTOM Pre-tax Operating Margin
PTP Procurement Transformation Programme
PTS Patient Transport Service
PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTT Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
PU Passed Urine
PU Professional Update
PUVA Psoralen and Ultraviolet Therapy
PV Pharmacovigilance
PVD Peripheral Vascular Disease
PWP Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner
PYLL Potential Years of Life Lost
PYLL Potential Years of Life Lost