2 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y
Acronym Phrase
C&C Capability and Containability
C&I Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
C&M Cheshire and Merseyside
C&P Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
c-CBT Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
C-Diff Clostridium Difficile
C.Diff Clostridium Difficile
C.Section Caesarean Section
C/C Chief Complaint
C/O Complains Of
C25K Couch to 5 Kilometres Stop Smoking Campaign
C2DE Individuals (workers) in the three lower social and economic groups C2 and DE of society (blue collar)
C4CC Coalition for Collaborative Care
C4H Capacity For Health
C@R Choice at Referral
CA Controls Assurance
CA Clinical Academic
CA125 Cancer Antigen 125 Tumour Marker for Ovarian Cancer
CA19-9 Cancer Antigen 19-9 Tumour Marker
CAA Comprehensive Area Assessment
CAB Citizens’ Advice Bureau
CAB Clinical Advisory Board
CAB/C&B Choose and Book
CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
CaBIG Choose and Book Implementation Group
CAC Children Assessment Centre
CACAG Clinical Academic Careers Advisory Group
CAD Coronary Artery Disease
CAD Citizens’ Advisory Group
CAD Clinical Advisory Group
CADEAS Cancer Alliance Data Evidence and Analysis Service
CAF Child and Family
CAF Constitutional Advisory Forum
CAF Common Assessment Framework
CAFCASS Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service
CAG Clinical Academic Group
CAG Confidentiality Advisory Group
CAH Clinically Assisted Hydration
CAIDE Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Ageing and Incidence of Dementia
CAJE Computer Aided Job Evaluation
CALD Chronic Active Liver Disease
CAM Cancer Awareness Measure
CAM Complementary and Alternative Medicine
CAMHS Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service
CAN Cancer
CAN Certified Nursing Assistant
CAN Children with Additional Needs
CANCER52 Cancer52 is an alliance of over 100 organisations working to address the 55% of UK cancer deaths which are from rare and less common cancers.
CAP Cancer Action Plan
CAP Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis
CAP Community Acquired Pneumonia
CAPA Clinical And Procurement Service
CAPD Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CAR-T Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell Therapy
CARMEN CARdiovascular Monitoring in MENtal Health
CARU Clinical Audit and Research Unit
CAS Central Alerting System
CAS Clinical Assessment Service
CASP Critical Appraisal Skills Programme
CAT Clinical Academic Training Programme
CAT Computerised Axial Tomography (Scan)
CAT Crisis Assessment and Treatment
CAT Cognitive Analytic Therapy
CATCH Central Allocation Team for Care and Health
CATS Clinical Assessment and Treatment Service
CAU Child and Adolescent Unit
CAU Clinical Assessment Unit
CAUTI Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection
CAYDER Specialised Nursing/Patient Computer System
CBA Cost-Benefit Analysis
CBD Cannabidiol
CBG Capillary Blood Glucose
CBRNE Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive
CBS Charles Bonnet Syndrome
CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
CC Coordinating Centre
CC Care Coordinator
CC Community Champions
CC4C Connecting Care for Children
CCD Critical Care Desk
CCE Colon Capsule Endoscopy
CCF Central Commissioning Facility
CCG Carers Campaigners Group
CCG Clinical Commissioning Group
CCG IAF Clinical Commissioning Group Improvement and Assessment Framework
CCGA Circulating Cell-Free Genome Atlas Study
CCH Care Closer to Home
CCIO Chief Clinical Information Officer
CCN Children’s Cancer Network
CCNet Cochrane Consumer Network
CCOT Critical Care Outreach Team
CCP Co-operation and Competition Panel
CCP Critical Care Paramedic
CCR Cancer Care Review
CCRN Comprehensive Clinical Research Network
CCS Cambridge Community Service
CCS Crown Commercial Service
CCST Certificate of Specialist Training
CCT Community Care Team
CCT Certificate of Completion of Training
CCT Complex Care Team
CCTU Cambridge Clinical Trials Unit
CCU Cardiac Care Unit
CCU Coronary Care Unit
CCU Critical Care Unit
CCVS Colchester Council for Voluntary Services
CD Cardiovascular Assisted Nutrition
CD Cardioverter Defibrillator
CD Clinical Director
CD Controlled Drugs
CD County District
CD Controlled Drugs
CD4 Cluster of Differentiation 4
CDA Certified Dental Assistant
CDAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
CDAT Community Drug and Alcohol Team
CDC Community Diagnostic Centre
CDEL Capital Department Expenditure Limit
CDF Cancer Drugs Fund
CDF Clostridium Difficile
CDH Community Diagnostic Hub
CDH Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
CDI Clostrioides Difficile Infection
CDM Chronic Disease Management
CDMI Clinical Digital Maturity Index
CDO Chief Dental Officer
CDOP Child Death Overview Panel
CDR Common Drug Review
CDRF Cllinical Doctoral Research Fellowship
CDS Cancer Decision Support
CDS Commissioning Data Sets
CDU Clinical Decision Unit
CE Chief Executor
CE Customer Engagement Team
CEA Clinical Excellence Awards
CEA Counting Every Adult
CEA Carcinoembryonic Antigen Test for Bowel & Intestinal Cancer
CEAC Clinical and Excellence Awards Committee
CECS Central Essex Community Service
CEDCC Cancer Early Diagnosis Charities Coalition
CEDR Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution
CEFF Controlled Environment for Finance
CEG Care Environment Group
CEG Clinical Effectiveness Group
CEG Community Engagement Group
CEM College of Emergency Medicine
CEMACH Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health
CEN European Committee for Standardisation
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CEP Centre for Evidence-Based Purchasing
CEPN Community Education Provider Network
CES Care Episode Service
CESR Certificate of Eligibility for specialist Training
CET Clinical Evaluation Team
CETR Care, Education and Treatment Review
CETV Cash Equivalent Transfer Value
CF Core Facility
CF Consent Form
CFAs Clinical Focus Areas
CFAS Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies
CFC Charitable Funds Committee
cfDNA Cell Free DNA
CFH Connecting for Health
CFO Chief Financial Office
CfPS Centre for Public Scrutiny
CFR Code of Clinical Regulations
CFR Community First Responders
CFS Clinical Frailty Score
CFS Community Frailty Service
CFS Cystic Fibrosis
CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
CFSMS Counter Fraud and Security Management
CFT Community Foundation Trusts
CFTR Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator
CfWI Centre for Workforce Intelligence
CG Clinical Governance
CGA Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
CGAS Children’s Global Assessment Scale
CGC Construction Group Consultancy
CGH Colchester General Hospital
CHADS2 Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Age (75 or over), Diabetes or Stroke assessment system
CHAI Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection
CHARMS Cancer Harm Review System
CHAT Care Home Assessment Team
CHC Community Health Council
CHC Continuing Health Care
CHCP Community Health and Care Partnership
CHD Coronary Heart Disease
CHESS Churches Homeless Emergency Support Scheme
CHESS Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System
CHFT Colchester Hospital University Foundation Trust
CHI Commission for Health Improvement
CHI Community Health Index
CHIP Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential. Is a cancer marker
CHIQ Centre for Health Information Quality
CHIS Childhood Information System
CHIT Care Home Intervention Team
CHMS Community Health and Miscellaneous Services
CHP Community Health Partnership
CHPO Chief Health Professions Officer
CHPPD Care Hours Per Patient Day
CHRE Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence
CHS Child Health Surveillance
CHS Community Health Systems
CHUFT Colchester Hospital University Foundation Trust
CHWW Community Health and Wellbeing Workers
ChYPS Children and Young Peoples Service
CI Confidence Interval
CI Chief Investigator
CI Coordinating Investigator
CIBH Change in Bowel Habits
CIC Cancer Improvement Collaborative
CIC Community Interest Company
CIC Community and Intermediate Care
CICC Cumberlege Intermediate Care Centre
CICU Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit
CIDS Community Information Data Sheet
CIL Community Infrastructure Levy
CIMA Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
CIMP Clinical Information Management Programme
CIMT Central Incident Management Team
CIN Child in Need Plan
CINAHL Cumulative Index to Nursing Allied Health Literature
CIO Charitable Incorporated Organisation
CIO Chief Information Officer
CIP Continuous Improvement Program
CIP Cost Improvement Plan
CIPD Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
CIPH Cambridgeshire Institute of Public Health
CIPOLD Confidential Inquiry into Premature Deaths of People with Learning Disabilities
CIS Carcinoma In Situ
CIS Clinical Information System
CIS Complex Invasive Cardiology
CITNS Children’s Integrated Therapy Nursing
CIVITAS Institute for the Study of Civil Society
CKD Chronic Kidney Disease
CL Cash Limit (up to which the authority may spend)
CL Clinical Lectureships
CL Clinical Liaison
CL NHSE National Health Service England Clinical Liaison
CLA Children Looked After
CLAHRC Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research & Care
CLCH Central London Community Healthcare
CLDT Community Learning Disability Team
CLG Communities and Local Government (Department of)
CLL B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia
CLN Clinical Leaders Network
CLN Clinical Liaison Nurse
CLOD Clinical Lead Organ Donation
CLPD Common Law Police Disclosure
CLRN Comprehensive Local Research Networks
CLS Community Living Skills
CLSQM Clinical Service Quality Measure
CM Community Matron
CM2000 Care Management 2000 (remote workforce care solutions)
CMA Competition and Markets Authority
CMAR Cancer Mutual Aid Return
CMB Corporate Management Board (Department of Health)
CMD Common Mental Disorder
CMDS Contract Minimum Data Set
CME Continuing Medical Education
CMG Clinical Management Groups
CMHN Community Mental Health Nurse
CMHS Community Mental Health Survey
CMHT Community Mental Health Team
CMHT Community Mental Health Team
CMML Chronic Myelomocytic Leukaemia
CMO Chief Medical Officer
CMP Condition Management Programme
CMPCNAG Cheshire and Merseyside Palliative and End of Life Care Network Audit Group
CMPHN Cheshire and Merseyside Public Health Collaborative Service
CMRGs Clinical Mortality Review Group
CMS Cancer Management System
CMS Case Management System
CMS Content Management System
CMS Covid Management Service
CMSCN Cheshire and Merseyside Strategic Clinical Network
CNARC Care National Audit and Research Centre
CNF Case Note File
CNG Clinical Network Group
CNO Chief Nursing Officer
CNS Cancer Nurse Specialist
CNS Central Nervous System
CNS Clinical Nurse Specialist
CNS Case Note Store
CNST Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts
CNWL Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
CO Cabinet Office
COAG Closed Open Angle Glaucoma
COBIC Capitated Outcomes-Based Incentivised Contracts
COCH Countess of Chester Hospital
CODM Chief Operating Decision Maker
COF Commissioning Outcomes Framework
COG Clinical Operations Group
COG Clinical Oversight Group
COG Council of Governors
COLOFIT Optimal Use of Faecal Immunochemical Testing for Patients with Possible Colorectal Cancer
COM-B Capability, Opportunity and Motivation
COMARE Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in Environment
COMEAP Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants
COMMS Communications
CON Contraception
CONI Care Of the Next Infant
CONTEST Counter Terrorism Strategy
COO Chief Operating Officer
COP Communities of Practice
CoP Court of Protection
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
COPDOL Court Of Protection Deprivation of Liberty
COPE Cambridgeshire Older Peoples Enterprise
CoS Chief of Service
COSD Cancer Outcomes and Services Dataset
CoSec Company Secretary
COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
COSI Co-ordinated, Safe, Integrated
COSLA Convention Of Scottish Local Authorities
CoSRR Continuity of Service Risk Rating
COTE Care Of The Elderly
COVID-19 Corona Virus Discovered in 2019
COW Computer on Wheels
CP Child Protection Plan
CP Community Pharmacist
CPA Care Programme Approach
CPA Central Point of Access
CPA Clinical Pathology Accreditation
CPAG Clinical Priorities Advisory Group (DOH Subcommittee)
CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
CPCF Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework
CPCS Certified Provider Credentialing Specialist
CPCS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service
CPD Continuing Professional Development
CPDIG Commissioning Policy Development and Implementation Working Group
CPES Cancer Patient Experience Survey
CPET Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing
CPFT Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust
CPGC Cellular Pathology Genomics Centre
CPI Consumer Price Index
CPMS NHS Central Portfolio Management System
CPN Community Psychiatric Nurse
CPN Contract Performance Notice (issued by CCG)
CPO Chief Pharmaceutical Officer
CPP Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education
CPP Child Protection Plan
CPP Clinical Procurement Partnership
CPPE Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education
CPPG Cancer Patients Partnership Group
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
CPR Child Protection Register
CPR Concise, Precise and Relevant (reports)
CPRCCG Castle Point and Rochford Clinical Commissioning Group
CPRD Clinical Research Practice Data Link
CPS Crown Prosecution Service
CPS Control Preferences Scale
CPST Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment
CPT Contingency Planning Team
CPTSD Combat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
CPTV Cancer Prevention Trials Unit
CQC Care Quality Commission
CQI Clinical Quality Indicator
CQI Continuous Quality Improvement
CQIN Commissioning for Quality and Innovation
CQIP Continuous Quality, Improvement, Productivity and Innovation
CQRG Clinical Quality Review Group
CQRM Clinical Quality Review Meeting
CQRS Calculating Quality Reporting Service
CRB Criminal Records Bureau
CRC Choice Referral System
CRC Colorectal Cancer
CRCC Cancer Related Cognitive Change
CRD Centre Reviews and Dissemination
CRES Cash Releasing Efficiency Scheme
CRF Clinical Research Facilities
CRF Cancer Related Fatigue
CRF Case Report Form
CRF Chronic Renal Failure
CRG Clinical Reference Group
CRHTT Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team
CRIPACC Centre For Research in Public Health And Community Care
CRL Capital Resource Limit
CRL Crown Rump Length of foetal / baby
CRM Client Relationship Manager
CRMG Clinical Review Mortality Group
CRN Clinical Research Network
CRO Clinical Research Organisation
CRO-mCTA Clinical Research Organisation Model Clinical Trial Agreement
CROM Clinician Reported Outcome Measure
CRP C-Reactive Protein. Increases when there is inflammation in body
CRP C-Reactive Protein
CRS Cancer Registry Systems
CRS Care Records Service
CRS Clinical Review of Standards
CRS Commissioner Requested Services
CRS Cytokine Release Syndrome (Cytokine Storm)
CRT-D Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Defibrillator
CRU Central Referring Unit (Essex police)
CRUK Cancer Research UK
CS Cervical Screening
CS Citizens’ Senate
CS Company Secretary
CSA Common Services Agency
CSAG Clinical Standards Advisory Group
CSAP Children’s Safeguarding Assurance Partnership
CSC Cancer Services Cooperative
CSC Children’s Social Care
cSCC Squamous Cell Carcinoma
CSCI Commission for Social Care Inspection
CSCRT Community Support Mortality Team
CSD Corporate Services Director
CSE Child Sexual Exploitation
CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid
CSF Commissioner Sustainability Fund
CSI Clinical Systems Improvement
CSIP Care Services Improvement Partnership
CSM Clinical Services Manager
CSM Clinical Site Manager
CSO Cancer System Origin
CSO Chief Scientific Officer
CSO Civil Society Organisation
CSO Commissioning Support Organisation
CSOP Clinical Standard Operating Procedure
CSP Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
CSP Community Safety Partnership
CSP Community Sports Partnership
CSQM Clinical Service Quality Measures
CSR Comprehensive Spending Review
CSS Cancer Support Specialists
CSS Commissioning Support Service
CSSD Central Sterile Supplies Department
CST Cross Sector Team
CSTR Community Service Treatment Requirement
CSU Catheter Stream Urine Sample
CSU Clinical Service Unit
CSU Commercial Support Unit
CSU Commissioning Strategy Unit
CSU Commissioning Support Unit
CSU Community Support Unit
CSU Catheter Stream Urine Sample
CSV Comma-Separated Variable. Simple file format for tabular data
CSW Cancer Support Worker
CSY Cardiac Surgery
CT Category Tower
CT Computerised Tomography
CT Core Trainee
CTA Clinical Trial Agreement
CTAP Clinical Technology Advisory Panel
CTC Cardiothoracic Centre
CTC Circulating Tumour Cells
CTCA CT Coronary Angiography
CTCAP CT of Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis
ctDNA Circulating tumour DNA
CTG Cardiotocography
CTIMP Clinical Trial of an Investigational Medicinal Product
CTLA4 Also known as CD152, is a protein receptor that functions as an immune checkpoint and downregulates immune responses in cancer
CTLD Community Team for Learning Disabilities
CTO Community Treatment Order
CTO Comprehensive Treatment Order
CTO Compulsory Treatment Order
CTP Care Trust Plus
CTPA CT Cardiopulmonary Angiography
CTR Care and Treatment Review
CTSA Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015
CTSP Category Tower Service Provider
CTTAP CT for Thorax, Abdomen and Pelvis
CTU Clinical Trials Unit
CTY Chemotherapy
CUH Cambridge University Hospitals
CUHP Cambridge University Health Partners
CUP Cancer of Unknown Primary
CVA Cerebrovascular Accident
CVC Central Venous Catheter
CVD Cardiovascular Disease
CVD-PP Cardiovascular Disease Primary Prevention
CVDOS Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes Strategy
CVIC Cancer Vaccine Introduction and Deployment Value Investment Costing
CVLP Cancer Vaccine Launch Plan
CVO Community Voluntary Organisation
CVP Central Venus Pressure
CVS Cardiovascular System
CVS Chelmsford Voluntary Services
CVS Community Voluntary Service
CVST Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis
CWH Centre for Women’s Health
CWP Cheshire and Wirral Partnership
CWT Cancer Waiting Time
CWW Cheshire, Warrington, Wirral
CXR Chest X-Ray
CY Current Year
CYP Children and Young People
CYPPN Children and Young People’s Networks
CYT Community Youth Team