2 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y
Acronym Phrase
O&G Obstetrics and Gynaecology
O/E On Examination
OB Obesity
OBC Outline Business Case
OBC Outline Business Costs
OBS Output Based Specification
OC Oral Contraception
OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
OCPA Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments
OCS Office for Civil Society
OCT Optical Coherence Tomography
OCU Opiate and Crack Users
OD Once a Day
OD Organisational Development (Strategy)
OD Overdose
ODG Operational Delivery Group
ODN Operational Delivery Network
ODP Operating Department Practitioner
ODS Organisation Data Service (Unique Identifier Code for Each Hospital, Surgery or Pharmacy)
OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
OFMDFM Office of the First Minister & Deputy First Minister (Northern Ireland)
OG Obstetrics and Gynaecology
OGC Office of Government Commerce
OGD Oesophago-Gastro-Duodenoscopy
OGD Other Government Departments
OGTT Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
OH Occupational Health
OHB Occupational Health Building
OHCA Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
OHCAO Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcomes
OHCP One Health and Care Partnership
OHCP Oral Health and Care Professional
OHD Occupational Health Department
OHE Office of Health Economics
OHP Our Health Partnership
OHQ Oxford Happiness Questionnaire
OHQ-SF Oxford Happiness Questionnaire Short Form
OID Organisation Information Document
OID Organisation Information Document
OIL Options for Independent Living
OJEU Official Journal of the European Union
OLM Oracle Learning Management
OLS Office for Life Sciences
OM Operating Model
OMB Operational Management Board
OMFS Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
OMG Operational Management Group
OML Ordinary Maternity Leave
OMUK Ocular Melanoma UK
ONS Office for National Statistics
OOH Out of Hours
OOHCA Out Of Hospital Cardiac Arrest
OOHS Out Of Hours Service
OOP Out of Programme
OOPC Time Out of Programme for Career Breaks
OOPE Time Out of Programme for Clincal Experience
OOPR Time Out of Programme for Research
OOPT Time Out of Programme for Approved Clinical Training
OP Outpatient
OPA Outpatient Appointment
OPAC Older People’s and Adult Community Directorate Services
OPAS Older Peoples Assessment Unit
OPAT Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy
OPATT Outpatient Attendance
OPAU Outpatients' Appointment Unit
OPCCOG Oxfordshire Primary Care Commissioning Operational Group
OPCS Office for Population Censuses and Surveys
OPD Outpatients Department
OPE One Public Estate
OPEL Operational Pressure Escalation Levels
OPF Operational Policy Network (Carers Trust)
OPFU Outpatient Follow Up
OPG Office of Paymaster General
OPG Office of the Public Guardian
OPMH Older People Mental Health
OPMHT Older Persons Mental Health Team
OPOA Ordinary Power of Attorney
OPROC Outpatient Procedure
OPRT Outpatient Recovery and Transformation Programme
OR Outbound Referrals
ORBIT One Stop Rectal Bleeding and Investigation
ORION Outcome Registry Intervention & Operation
ORSA Organisational Readiness Self-Assessment
OSA Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
OSAAT One Step At A Time
OSC Overview and Scrutiny Committee (local authority)
OSCAR One Stop Surgical Assessment, Colonoscopy and Radiology Staging
OSCE Objective, Structured, Clinical Examination
OSCHR Office for Strategic Coordination of Health Research
OSFED Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder
OSHA Office of the Strategic Health Authorities
OSM Operations Service Manager
OSSE Operations Support and System Engineering
OST Osteoporosis
OT Occupational Therapist/Therapy
OTA Orthopaedic Trauma Association
OTA Over-The-Air
OTC Over-The-Counter