2 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y
Acronym Phrase
S&NEE Suffolk and North-East Essex
S/R Sustained Release
S2D Safe To Discharger
SA Sinoatrial (Node)
SaaS Software as a Service
SAB Safeguarding Adults Board
SABINE Saving Babies in the North of England
SABR Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy
SAC Stoma Appliance Customisation
SACDA Scottish Advisory Committee on Distinction Awards
SACE Survey of Adult Carers in England
SACT Systemic/Systematic Anti-Cancer Therapy
SADU Surgical Day Unit
SAE Serious Adverse Event
SAF Safeguarding Adults Form
SAFA Safeguarding Adults From Abuse
SAFE Service for Adolescents and Families in Enfield
SAGE Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies
SAL Statutory Adoption Pay
SALT Short and Long-Term Support Return
SALT Speech and Language Therapy
SAM Secure Allocation Management
SAM Self-Administering Medication
SAM Society for Acute Medicine
SAMS Essex Support Advice and Mentoring Service
SAP Stroke Ambulatory Pathway
SAP Single Assessment Process
SAP Statutory Adoption Leave
SAPC Society for Academic Primary Care
SAR Safeguarding Adults Review
SAR Serious Adverse Reaction
SAR Subject Access Request
SARC Sexual Assault Referral Centre
SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
SAS Scottish Ambulance Service
SAS Staff and Associated Specialist
SAS Speciality and Associate Staff
SASG Specialist and Associated Speciality Grade Doctors
SASM Scottish Audit of Surgical Mortality
SaTH Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital
SAU Surgical Admission Unit
SAU Surgical Assessment Unit
SBARD Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation, Decision
SBLCB Saving Babies Lives Care Bundle
SBP Systolic Blood Pressure
SBRI Small Business Research Initiative
SBS Shared Business Services (NHS)
SC Urgent Suspected
SC Injection Under the Skin
SCA Sarcoma
SCAFT Supporting Carers and Families Together
SCAPE Superannuation Contributions Adjusted for Past Experience
SCAS South Central Ambulance Service
SCBU Special Care Baby Unit
SCC Squamous Cell Carcinoma
SCC Strategic Coordination Centre
SCCI Standardisation Committee for Care Information
SCCL Supply Chain Coordination Limited
SCCR Single Community Care Record
SCFA Short Chani Fatty Acids
SCG Specialised Commissioning Group
SCG Strategic Coordination Group
SCI Scottish Care Information
SCI Spinal Cord Injury
SCIE Social Care Institute for Excellence
SCiE Supporting Carers in Essex
SCL Senior Clinical Lecturer
SCLC Small Cell Cancer
SCM Structured Clinical Review
SCN Strategic Clinical Network
SCNE Statement of Comprehensive Net Expenditure
SCOC Standing Commission on Carers
SCOPE Staff Champion of Patient Experience
SCORE Safer Culture, Better Care Survey
SCR Shared Care Record
SCR Serious Case Review
SCR Somerset Cancer Reporting
SCR Specialised Cancer
SCR Summary Care Record
SCR Supportive Care Register
SCREW Safe, Caring, Reflective, Effective and Well Lead
SCS Senior Civil Servants
SCS Specialised Colorectal Service
SCT System Control Total
SCTU Southampton Clinical Trials Unit
SCVO Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations
SDAS Same Day Access Service
SDE Smart Data Elements
SDEC Same Day Emergency Care
SDF Service Delivery Footprint
SDF Service Development Facilitator
SDF System Development Funding
SDHS Short Depression Happiness Scale
SDIP Service Development & Improvement Plan
SDM Service Development Manager
SDM Shared Decision Making
SDMA Surgical Dressing Manufacturers Association
SDO Service Delivery and Organisation
SDPs System Development Plans
SDS Safety Data Sheet
SDS Same Day Service
SDS Spine Directory Services
SDS System Distress Scale
SDT Service Development Team
SDU Sterilisation and Disinfection Unit
SDU Sustainable Development Unit
SDV Source Data Verification
SE Stakeholder Engagement
SEA Significant Event Review
SEAP Support, Empower, Advocate, Promote
SEAS Silver Economy Accelerating Strategies
SEAU Surgical Emergency Assessment Team
SECAM South East Coast Ambulance Service
SED Southend Enhanced Discharge
SEIF Social Enterprise Investment Fund
SELEP South East Local Employment
SEN Special Educational Needs
SENCAN Special Educational Needs and Children with Additional Needs
SEND Special Educational Needs and Disability
SEP Strategy Estates Plan
SEPT South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
SEQOHS Safe Effective Quality Occupational Health Service
SERCO Provider of Facilities Management Services to some NHS Hospitals
SES Single Equality Scheme (Department of Health)
SES Socio-Economic Status
SET Southend Essex and Thurrock
SETSAF Southend/Essex/Thurrock Safeguarding Adult Concern Form
SEW Surgical Emergency Ward
SFA Shared Family Assessment
SFA Statement of Fees and Allowances
SfC Skills for Care
SfH Skills for Health
SFIs Standing Financial Instructions
SG Steering Group
SGA Small for Gestation Age
SGHD Skills Government Health Directorates
SGO Special Guardianship Order
SGRT Surface Guided Radiotherapy
SGRT Surface Guided Radiation Therapy
SH Surrey Heath
SHA Special Health Authority
SHA Strategic Health Authority
SHELLS Shelter & Health Enlisting Local Support
SHEU School Health Education Unit
SHINE Spina-Bifida Hydrocephalus Information Networking and Equality Charity
SHINE Shock-Induced Endotheliopathy
SHMI Summary Hospital-Level Mortality Indicator
SHO Senior House Officer
SHOW Scottish Health on the Web
SHREWD Single Health Resilience Early Warning Database
SHRINE Strategic Human Resources Information Network
ShropCom Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust
SI Statutory Instruments: document which defines UK law in on a specific topic, e.g. how to manage a clinical trial
SI Serious Incident
SIC Statement on Internal Control
SID Senior Independent Director
SID Society for Information Display
SIG Special Interest Group
SIG Specialised Imaging
SIGN Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
SIM Serenity Integrated Mentoring
SINE Serious Incident and Never Event Panel
SIO Senior Investigation Officer
SIP System Improvement Plan
SIRI Security Incident Reporting System
SIRI Serious Incident Requiring Investigation
SIRO Senior Information Risk Owner
SIRS Serious Incident Reporting System
SITEP Situation Report
SITREPS Situation Reports
SIV Site Initiation Visit
SLA Service Level Agreement
SLaM South London and the Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
SLCS Southern Local Clinical Systems
SLL Small Cell Lymphocytic Lymphoma
SLM Service Line Manager
SLR Service-Line Reporting
SLT Senior Leadership Team
SLT Speech and Language Therapy
SM Service Manager
SM Special Measures
SMA Spinal Muscular Atrophy
SMAC Standing Medical Advisory Committee
SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely
SMC Scottish Medicines Consortium
SMDM Specialist Multidisciplinary Meeting
SMDT Specialist Multi-Disciplinary Team
SMDU Strategic Market Development Unit (Department of Health)
SME Small Medium Sized Enterprises
SME Subject Matter Expert
SMI Severe Mental Illness
SMI Significant Mental Impairment
SMO Site Management Organisation
SMOK Smoking
SMP Statutory Maternity Leave
SmPC Summary of Product Characteristics
SMR Standardised Mortality Ratio
SMR Structured Medication Review
SMS Short Message Service
SMT Senior Management Team
SMT Specialised Commissioning Senior Management Team
SMT Statement of Main terms of Employment
SNAP Special Needs and Parents
SNCT Safer Nursing Care Tool
SNEE Suffolk and North East Essex (Health & Welfare)
SNLB Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
SNOD Specialist Nurse for Organ Donation
SNOMED Systematised Nomenclature of Medicine
SNP Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms
SNSAP Sentinel National Stroke Unit Audit Programme
SOAR Scottish Online Appraisal Record/Resource
SOB Shortness Of Breath
SOC Standards of Care
SOC Strategic Outline Case
SOCF Statement of Cash Flows
SoF Statement of Financial Position
SOF System Oversight Framework
SOFA Statement of Financial Activities
SOG Standard Operating Guidelines
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SOP Sustainable Operational Performance
SOR Society of Radiographers
SOS Suspicion of Sepsis
SoS Secretary of State
SOS-AF Screening and Optimising Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation
SOSR Some Other Substantial Reason (For Dismissal)
SP Social Prescribing
SPA Single Point of Access
SPA Special Programmed Activity
SPC Single Point Contact
SPC Specialist Palliative Care
SPC Statistical Process Control
SPC Summary of Product Characteristics
SpCAC Specialist Children Assessment Centre
SPCR School for Primary Care Research
SPCT Specialist Palliative Care Team
SPD Sensory Processing Disorder
SPECT Single Photon Emission Computerised Tomography
SPECT-CT Single Photon Emission Computerised Tomography with CT
SPED Cancer Screening and Early Detection
SPF Social Partnership Forum
SPG Strategic Planning Group
SPHR School for Public Health Research
SPI Safer Patient Initiative
SPI Scientific Pandemic Influenza Advisory Committee
SPI Simplified Psoriasis Index
SPIN Scleroderma Patient-Centred Intervention Network
SPLN Senior Psychiatric Liaison Nurse
SPLW Social Prescribing Link Worker
SPMS Specialist Provider of Medical Services
SPN Special Patient Notes
SPOA Single Point of Advice
SPOC Single Point of Contact
SPOR Single Point of Referral
SPOR Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research
SPOT Spend and Outcome Tool
SPP Statutory Paternity Pay and Leave
SPR Standardised Prevalence Ratio
SPR Specialist Registrar
SPR Service Program Review
SPS Specialist Pharmacy Service
SPS Surrey Pathology Service
SPSP Scottish Patient Safety Programme
SPSS Statistics Package for Social Sciences
SPUC Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child
SQG System Quality Group
SQL Structured Query Language
SR Success Regime (Essex Success Action Plan)
SRB Single Regeneration Budget
SRG System Resilience Group
SRM Supplier Relationship Manager
SRN Stroke Research Network
SRO Senior Responsible Officer
SRoI Social Return on Investment
SRP Strategic Redesign Programme
SRP Structural Reform Plan
SRP Systematic Reviews Programme
SRS Stereotactic Radio-Surgery
SSA Standard Spending Assessment
SSA Site Specific Assessment
SSC Shared Service Centre
SSCIF Specialised Services Commissioning Innovation Fund
SSCR School for Social Care Research
SSEM Short Stay Emergency Tariff
SSI Surgical Site Infection
SSI Site Specific Information
SSM Supported Self-Management
SSMDTS Specialist Skin Cancer Multidisciplinary Team Service
SSMFU Supported Self-Management Follow-Up
SSNAP Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme
SSNDS Specialised Services National Definition Set
SSP Specialist Screening Practitioner
SSP Statutory Sick Pay
SSQ Standard Selection Questionnaire
SSRB Senior Salaries Review Body
SSRI Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors
SSS Site Specific Symptoms
ST&R Support Time and Recovery Worker
ST&T Scientific, Therapeutic and Technical
STA Single Technology Appraisal
STAC Stalking Threat Assessment Centre at BEH
STAE Surgical Training for Austere Environments
STAMP Screening Tool for the Assessment of Malnutrition
STAMP Supporting Treatment and Appropriate Medication in Paediatrics
STAR-PU Specific Therapeutic Group Age-Sex Related Prescribing Unit
STAREE Statin Therapy for Reducing Events in the Elderly
START Specialist Triage, Assessment and Referral Team
START Strategies for Relatives
STAT Immediately, no delay
STC Special Treatment Clinic
STEIS Strategic Executive Information System
STEMI ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction
STEP Surgical Technology Evaluation Portal
STF Sustainability and Transformation Fund
STI Sexually Transmitted Infection
STIA Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack
STOD East of England System Transportation
STOMP Stopping Over Medication of People with Learning Disability, Autism or Both
STOP Screening Tool for Older Peoples Potentially Inappropriate Medications
STP Scientist Training Programme
STP Sustainability and Transformation Partnership
STP System Transformation Partnership
StR Speciality training Register
STRIDOR Abnormal high pitched musical breathhing sound that occurs due to obstructed air flow
STS Soft Tissue Sarcoma
STT Straight To Test
SU Service User
SUAG Service User Advisory Group
SUDC Sudden Unexpected Death in Childhood
SUHFT Southend University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
SUHT Southend University Hospital Trust
SUI Serious Untoward Incident
SURG Relating to Surgeons or Surgery
SUS Secondary Uses Service
SUSARS Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reactions
SVGA Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Act
SVOC System Vaccination Operations Centre
SW Social Worker
SWAH Safe Working at Height
SWEET Services We Experience in Essex Today
SWEMWBS Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale
SWF South Woodham Ferrers
SWG Specification Working Group
SWL South West London
SWLSG South West London and St. Georges Mental Health NHS Trust
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats