2 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y
Acronym Phrase
H&E Haematoxylin & Eosin Stain
H&N Head & Neck
H&S Health and Safety
H/O History Of
H2H Hospital to Home
H@H Hospital at Home
HA Health Authority
HAC Heart Attack Centre
HAD-D Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale Depression Sub-Scale
HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale
HAGCCI Health Advisory Group on Chemical Contamination Incidents
HAI Health Associated Infection
HALO Hospital Ambulance Liaison Officer
HaN Hospital at Night
HAP Hospital Acquired Pneumonia
HAP Hospital Admission Prevention
HAPPI Hospital Antibiotic Prudent Prescriber Indicator
HAREM Had Appendices and Resolved/Recurred Emergency
HARP Health Advanced Research program
HARSA HIV-Associated Adipose Tissue Syndrome
HART Hazardous Area Response Team
HASCIP Health and Social Care Integration Program
HASU Hyper Acute Stroke Unit
HAWB Health & Wellbeing Board
HAZ Hazards
HAZ Health Action Zone
HAZMAT Hazardous Materials
HB Haemoglobin
HB Health Board
HBA Home Based Abuse
HBA Honour Based Abuse
HbA1c Glycated Haemoglobin Test for Diabetes
HBN Health Building Notes
HBO Hyperbaric Oxygen Services
HBPC Hospital Based Primary Care
HBPM Home Blood Pressure Monitoring
HBPoS Health Based Places of Safety
HCA Health Care Assistant
HCAI Healthcare Associated Infection
HCAS High-Cost Area Supplement
HCC Healthcare Commission
HCC Hertfordshire County Council
HCCN Huntingdon Community Cancer Network
HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (used in pregnancy testing)
HCHS Hospital and Community Health Services
HCLA High-Cost Living Allowance
HCP Healthcare Professional
HCP Healthy Child Program
HCPC Health and Care Professions Council
HCRS Haematuria Cancer Risk Scores
HCS Healthcare Compensation Service
HCSW Healthcare Support Worker
HCTED High-Cost Tariff Excluded Devices
HCW Health Commission Wales
HDL Health Department Letter
HDL High Density Lipoprotein
HDP Hospital Discharge Programme
HDR Health & Data Research UK
HDR High Dose Rate Brachytherapy
HDS Home Delivery Service
HDU High Dependency Unit
HEA Higher Education Academy
HEA Health Equality Audit
HEAT Health Efficiency Access Treatment
HEB Hospital Executive Board
HED Healthcare Evaluation Data
HEE Health Education England
HEE Health Enterprise East
HEFCE Higher Education Funding Council for England
HEI Healthcare Environment Inspectorate
HEI Higher Education Institution
HEKSS Health Education Kent, Surrey and Sussex
HEMS Helicopter Emergency Medical Service
HEMU Harlow Ethnic and Minority Umbrella
HENSE Health and Education National Strategic Exchange
HEOC Health and Emergency Operation Centre
HER Electronic Health Record
HES Hospital Episode Statistics
HETT Health Excellence Through Technology
HETV Health Education Thames Valley
HF Heart Failure
HF Health Foundation
HFE Human Factors Exchange
HFEA Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
HFH Home from Hospital
HFMA Healthcare Financial Management Association
HFRS Hospital Frailty Risk Score
HFSS High in Fat, Salt and Sugar
HG Haemoglobin
HGC Human Genetics Commission
HH Heatherwood Hospital
HI Health Inequalities
HIA Health Impact Assessment
HIC Health Information Centre
HICC Hospital Infection Control Committee
HICF Health Innovation Challenge Fund
HIEC Health Innovation and Education Cluster
HIFU High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
HII High-Impact Innovation
HIMP Health Improvement and Modernisation Plan
HIN Health Innovation Networks
HIP Health Innovation Partnership
HIS Health Improvement Scotland
HIS Health Information Service/System
HIT Histology Independent Therapy
HIT High Intensity Theatre
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HIW Health Improvement Wales
HLC Healthy Living Centre
HLE Healthy Life Expectancy
HLP Healthy Living Pharmacy
HLRCC Hereditary Leiomatosis and Renal Cell Cancer
HLT Heart & Lung Transplantation
HMIC Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary
HMIP Her Majesty’ Inspectorate of Prisons
HMMC Hospital Medicines Management Committee
HMO Health Maintenance Organisation (USA)
HMS High & Medium Secure Mental Health
HMT His Majesties Treasury
HNA Holistic Needs Assessment
HNA Hospital Needs Assessment
HNPCC Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer (alternative name for Lynch Syndrome
HNSCC Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer
HOD Heads Of Departments
HOD Hospital Outpatient Department
HoLEP Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate
HOM Hospital Operations Management
HoM Head of Midwifery
HoN Head of Nursing
HoNOS Health of the Nation Outcome Scales
HOOF Home Oxygen Order Form
HOPE Help to Overcome Problems Effectively
HOSC Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
HOSPEDIA Supplier of Bedside Communication and Media Systems
HoT Head of Terms (Contract Summary)
HPA Haemophilia and Bleeding Disorders
HPA Health Protection Agency
HPB Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary (Surgeon)
HPC Health Professional Council
HPFT Hertfordshire Partnership Foundation Trust
HPMA Healthcare People Management Association
HPN Healthcare Providers Network
HPRC Hereditary Papillary Renal Cancer
HPU Health Protection Unit
HPV Human Papilloma Virus
HQID Hospital Quality Incentive Demonstration Project
HQIP Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership
HR Heart Rate
HR Human Resources
HRA Health Research Authority
HRBP for ER Human Resources Business Partner for Employee Relations
HRC Honorary Research Contract
HRG Healthcare Resource Group
HRG4+ Health Resource Group Currency Calculator
HRQL Health-Related Quality of Life (EuroQol Group)
HRT Hormone Replacement Therapy
HS&DR Health Services and Delivery Research
HSC Health and Safety Commission
HSC Health and Social Care
HSC Health Select Committee (House of Commons)
HSC Horizon Scanning Centre
HSCDS Health and Social Care Digital Service
HSCI Health Service Cost Index
HSCIC Health and Social Care Information Centre
HSCN Health & Social Care Network
HSCT Health and Social Care Trust
HSCVF Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund
HSDU Hospital Sterilisation and Disinfection Unit
HSE Health and Safety Executive
HSE Health Survey for England
HSIB Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch
HSJ Health Service Journal
HSLI Health System Lead Investment
HSMR Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio
HSPCT Hospital Specialist Palliative Care Team
HSR Health Service Research
HSRIC Horizon Scanning Research and Intelligence Centre
HSRN Health Services Research Network
HSS Health Science Services
HSS Highly Specialised Services
HSSF Health Systems Support Framework
HSSF Health Safety Security and Fire
HSSI High Severity Service Incidents
HSW Healthcare Support Worker
HT Height
HTA Health Technology Assessment
HTA Human Tissue Act
HTA Human Tissue Authority
HTC Healthcare Technology Cooperative
HTC Hospital Transfusion Committee
HTM Health Technical Memoranda
HTMR Hubs for Trials Methodology Research
HTN Hypertension
HTT Home Treatment Team
HUHY Help Us Help You
HUI Health Utilities Index
HVCCG Herts Valleys Clinical Commissioning Group
HVLC High Volume Low Complexity
HWB Health and Wellbeing Board
HWBE Health & Wellbeing Event
HWBIS Heath & Wellbeing Information and Support
HWD Heatherwood
HWE Healthwatch England
HWE Healthwatch Essex
HWE Hertfordshire and West Essex
HWK Healthwatch Kent
HWP Heatherwood and Wexham Park Hospitals
HX History
HYP Hypertension