Ann Nutt
Patient & Public involvement in hospital and social care services. Representing the patient voice in local, regional and national programmes.
About Me
I started my career in the Civil Service, moving into marketing and sales. At the age of 27 I developed a long-term health condition so for the last 30 years I has been active in the voluntary sector chairing meetings at local, national and international level.
I am passionate about service user/carer participation especially in Health and Social Work education, this lead to me becoming a lay member of the college of social work (now closed), also presenting papers at the World Social Work conference in Australia.
I have gained my Post Graduate as a Disability Equality Practitioner and my Diploma in Multiple Disabilities.
In July 2013 I was appointed Chair of the Patient Panel establishing their annual conference and annual report. The panel works closely with all levels and all areas within Princess Alexandra hospital. In 2015 Ann was awarded the NHS East of England Leadership Recognition Awards – Patient Champion for her passion in improving services and outcomes for all patients especially those with long-term conditions.
Condition interest or area of knowledge
- Rheumatology
- Orthopaedics
- Patient & Public Involvement in Health and Social Work Education
- Patient and Public engagement (co-production)
Where I can help
- Essex
- UK (National)
Organisations I am involved with:
- Patient Panel
- Shaping our Lives
- Power Us
- Citizens’ Senate
- West Essex CCG