Norma Huxter
Patient Community Champion for Mid-Essex Clinical Commissioning Group. Catalyst for Change.
About Me
Retired disabled Disability Trainer & Advocate. I am actively involved with various health and social services groups as well as being a lay preacher. Advocate for personalised care, employment support allowance (ESA), personal independence payment (PIP), and other welfare benefits.
Condition interest or area of knowledge
- Disabilities - Service User/Patient and Carers Voice
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) - Tachycardia and Remote Monitoring
- Carer & Public Voice - Co-production
- Carer Support including Young Carers
- Social Prescribing - LiveWell Essex, The Swedish Way
- Personalised Care - Personal Health Budgets, Personal Budgets/Direct Payments, Independent Living
- Personal Wheelchair Budgets and Mobility
- Waste Management: Medicines - Look in the Bag; Recycling
- Health Equity, Refugees, Health Education
- Fostering and Mother and Child Groups
- Police and Probation Service - Victim Support
- Community Projects and Volunteering: Access Groups, Community360 Colchester
- Hospital Discharge and After Care - Community/Cottage Hospitals; Community Nursing and Social Care
Where I can help
- Essex
- Norfolk
- Suffolk
Organisations I am involved with:
- Mid-Essex Patient Reference Group
- Secretary of the Braintree and District Access Group
- Options for Independent Living (OIL) Group
- Essex County Council service user participation groups
- Mid-Essex Clinical Commissioning Group
- Trustee of Coggeshall Nursing Trust
- World Day of Prayer