Claire Uwins
Dementia clinical researcher & Dementia Friends champion; PPG lead on social prescribing and rural community for East Herts villages, Loneliness and frail elderly advocate.
About Me
Claire lives in Much Hadham, in between Harlow and Bishops Stortford in East Herts, she is the mother of 2 grown up sons and now works part time as a clinical trials patient engagement researcher for a London based clinic, focusing on memory loss, pain, depression, diabetes and other long term conditions such as osteoarthritis. The remainder of her time is spent driving PPG led strategy and action for rural residents for her local health centre which looks after 6500 patients. Prior to having her children, Claire was a category manager for Tesco stores involved in product design, procurement, development and marketing across food & non food sectors
Condition interest or area of knowledge
- Dementia
- Parkinsons research and community support
- PPG role in the community
Where I can help
- Essex
- Hertfordshire
Organisations I am involved with:
- Healthwatch Hertfordshire
- St Pancras Clinical Research
- Much Hadham PPG
- Community Initiative Bishops Stortford
- Parkinsons UK support group
- Community Hub for Ash Valley
- Dementia Action group east Herts/ Dementia Friends UK
- St Andrews Church Much Hadham